Since our official launch in January of this year, LearnDash has been adopted by many different organizations across various industries. This being the case, we have decided to start a spotlight series where we give a little context into how various for-profit and non-profit companies are using LearnDash in their business.
The first LearnDash customer to be featured in our spotlight series is Practice Recovery. Practice Recovery uses LearnDash for their Families Healing Together online counseling program. This program is an interactive course that provides family mental health education with the purpose of helping individuals and families.
Their courses are designed to help families transition from distress, fear, and confusion to a place of well-being and wholeness. Their program is a collaboration between Family Outreach, Practice Recovery, and Mother Bear CAN – three separate companies with a mission to help families recover from mental health challenges through community and guidance.
LearnDash was implemented by Krista MacKinnon for the Families Healing Together program. Using a combination of LearnDash and LearnDash Plus (BETA), she separated her program into weekly installments that auto-delivered her content to the program participants. Using the built-in interactivity provided by WordPress (which is leveraged by LearnDash), participants in the program get to share stories and assist one another with their individual struggles.
Krista is just about finished administering her first successful course using LearnDash, and is now preparing to offer a second course on September 16th of this year, and one on HOPE in November. Participant response has been positive for the Families Healing Together program – a testament to Krista’s hard work and the talented staff at Practice Recovery.
When asked for some thoughts about LearnDash, Krista had the following to say:
It’s so great watching LearnDash grow! You are developing new features faster than I can learn them. I’m so glad I decided to use this product… The support has been above and beyond, and I’m always excited to see the new features being offered.